Organisation - Amber RFC governance
The Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 defines the corridor governance structure on two levels. The establishment of the Amber RFC organizational structure was a crucial measure for creating the corridor:
- The Executive Board, which is the highest level body assigned to the corridor.
- The Management Board, which is the main operative body of the corridor.
Organizational units of the Amber RFC are illustrated in the following schematic structure:
Nominated representatives of the IMs and AB of Amber RFC:
- PKP PLK - PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe Spółka Akcyjna) – IM, Poland
- ŽSR - Railways of the Slovak Republik (Železnice Slovenskej Republiky) - IM, Slovak Republic
- MÁV - MÁV Hungarian State Railways Company Limited by Shares (MÁV Magyar Álllamvasutak Zrt.) - IM, Hungary
- GYSEV - Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút Zrt./ Raab–Oedenburg–Ebenfurter Eisenbahn AG - IM, Hungary & Austria
- VPE - Hungarian VPE Rail Capacity Allocation Office (VPE Vasúti Pályakapacitás-elosztó Kft.) - AB, Hungary
- SŽ-I - SŽ-Infrastruktura (Slovenske železnice-Infrastruktura, d.o.o.) – IM, Slovenia
For the sake of corridor establishment and considering the volume and the types of tasks, the MB decided to set up also other corridor bodies (e.g. Advisory Groups, C-OSS office) as well as the Coordination Group, a Secretariat and six Working Groups to support its work.