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RFC AMBER in social media
There are currently 11 Rail Freight Corridors (RFCs) within the EU forming the RFC Network. They were developed based on EU Regulation 913/2010 to create a European rail network for competitive freight traffic. In order to better inform customers and stakeholders all RFCs jointly created and launched an RFC Network account on LinkedIn.
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Posts are keeping up to date according to the needs of our Customers and Partners covering the most relevant information about:
- RFC Network
- individual RFCs
- workshops/events organized by individual corridors (e.g. on border crossing issues, TIS)
- Railway and Terminal Advisory Groups (RAG/TAG) and User Satisfaction Survey
- RNE related topics (CIP, NCI)
- C-OSS Community related topics (PCS training, capacity wishlist)
- information from the EC
The launch started with continuous introduction of RFCs.
***Please be informed that RFC AMBER has its first LinkedIn appereance with a short introduction about the main information of our corridor.
Please take a look and share the relevant knowledge with your followers and network. >>> RFC AMBER on LinkedIn***