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Trains derailed in Slovakia
On 27th September 2020 at 13:44 two wagons of a freight train derailed between Komárno zriaď.st. and Chotín and damaged the substructure on a length of approximately 3 km. Due to the incident the single track line Nové Zámky - Komárno has been blocked. Trains can be rerouted via Bratislava - Rusovce/Rajka - Hegyeshalom, Břeclav - Vienna - Hegyeshalom and with limited access via Bratislava - Dunajska Streda - Komárno and Nové Zámky - Štúrovo/Szob - Budapest. The restoration of the track is expected until 16th October 2020.
In the meantime another freight train came off the tracks at Veľké Leváre on 28th September 2020 at 06:45 and closed the line between Bratislava and Kúty. According to estimates one track will be passable until the morning next day, the second track by 4th October. International trains are rerouted via Kúty – Jablonica – Trnava – Galanta – Štúrovo – Szob and Kúty – Jablonica – Trnava – Galanta – Bratislava-Vajnory – Rusovce – Rajka only with restrictions.
Both RFC Orient/East-Med and RFC Amber launched their International Contingency Management (ICM) processes. The leading IM is ŽSR, the leading RFC is RFC OEM. For further information please contact Dušan Šinka (Sinka.Dusan@zsr.sk, Leading IM Incident Manager) or Balázs Lőrincz (lorincz.balazs@mav.hu, RFC OEM ICM Coordinator).